Monday, November 20, 2006

Dear Queen B
What's the best way to balance school, work, social life and
spiritual walk?
From Unclinically Insane

Dear Unclinically Insane
I know this answer is going to reveal a lot about my obsessed personality,
but hopefully you can pull something useful from it for yourself.
At the beginning of each semester, I sit down and map out my average week. So I make a chart that has all the days across the top and then times from 7:30AM to 11PM. Then I fill it in with everything that I have to do: classes, co-op, work, care group, chapel, council duties and so on. I then sit back and look at it and try to figure out where I can fit in my homework time, devotional time, fun time, and relaxing time. I then put that on the chart.
Also at the beginning of the semester, I map out all of my assignments in my planner. That's right, I put in all the due dates and reading assignments. I work from there and make a date as to when I should start researching, when I want to have a draft done, and when a final copy should be finished.
The third thing I do each week is make a list of all the school work and non-school work that I need to get done. And as I get those items completed, I take great joy in crossing them off. I know this might sound scary for some; this level of organization is not always easy for all. But even if you can take a portion of it, or develop a system for yourself you will find your time here much less stressful.
I just want to touch on the relaxing portion. I have found for myself that I am terrible at taking time out to relax. If I ever do, I feel guilty because I know there are other things that need to be done. So this is where all that pre-planning comes in. I can plan my week and semester so that I am not behind or running late. So I can take all of Sunday off to relax and enjoy. Mind you this is still not the easiest thing to do, and I often cheat, but it is worth a try each week.
I hope this helps, and don't forget while you are working on all your papers that the editing service is available every day in the library. Just sign up for a time slot!
Queen B