Monday, October 16, 2006

Dear Queen B:
Why does the word abbreviation have so many letters?

Humorously Confused

Dear Humorously Confused:
If I could give you a virtual gold sticker for your excellent observation I
would. My answer for you is simple, politics. There are politics in
every aspect of life and always have been. So even in the early days of
English writing when someone decided to create the word abbreviation, there
were politics present. There was probably a council of highly intellectual
men who sat down to decide on the word that would eventually mean condensed
words. And in doing so they could not decide on a smaller word, because the
meaning already has to do with smaller, they wanted to prove that they’re
intellect and power was not small and therefore created a big word to mean
small. You see my friend: it’s all politics.

Yours Truly,
Queen B

Monday, October 02, 2006

Dear Queen B
“I am a big fan of music. Sometimes I like to dance in my room when my roommate isn’t around. I have a problem though. I am starting to get really bored of my music collection. Do you have any suggestions for some fun music that I can dance in my room to?"

Itchin’ to Dance.

Dear Itchin' to Dance:
First off I have to say “kudos to you” for creating your own form of creative exercise while living on dorm. I have to admit that I have also taken to this practice in my own down time. As to music selection I highly recommend a Rosemary Clooney CD like her Greatest Hits. This is a collection of classical upbeat jazz tunes that will keep you moving for a good hour, or until someone comes and asks you to turn it down. Which I must caution depending on which dorm building you live in be sure to take into account the amount of jumping off your bed you do or dancing with your chair. This can make an awful racket to those below you and many uncomfortable confrontations can arise from it. I hope you find this CD to be to your liking it has brought me many hours of enjoyable dancing.

Yours Truly,
Queen B